Grading to Fit

Product ID 132
Grading to Fit
  1. Grading to Fit presents the underlying grading theories that enable computer grading technology. All of the work presented in the book is hands on and requires minimal equipment. All fit issues are addressed, including asymmetrical. 
  2. A custom-fitted sloper is developed to fit the model (whomever is being fitted - a company fit model or  individual) from either the (Standard Sized) slopers included with the book and that will be Instant PDF Download!.
  3. The book advocates choosing the original size by measuring under the chest, as this gives the best size for the model's bone frame. The book shows how to fit the bust.
  4. Grading coordinates are then determined by comparing the custom-fitted sloper with the original grade-rule sloper from which it was developed. If an individual's size is very small, or very large, the custom-fitted sloper can instead be compared with a different size sloper so that the individual can grade more easily obtained size patterns and then grade them to her fit.
  5. The book addresses various other grading options such as how to grade from one grade rule to another, how to develop patterns on a form and then grade the patterns to a custom fit. 
  6. When the book is finished one has slopers that fit the model and grading coordinates that enable grading style patterns from the chosen grade rule to the model's custom fit. 


List Price: $162.00
Price: $160.00
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