The Basics for Sewing Pants and Skirts

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Product ID 136

The Basics for Sewing Pants and Skirts

Step-by-step instructions show the professional cutting and sewing techniques used by skilled sample makers to produce high-end pants and skirts like those sold in better department stores and boutiques. These are industrial methods, written in sequence, exactly as done in the best designing departments. All instructions are classroom tested. Included are four zipper sets and five pocket setting instructions as done in high-end designing departments.Instant PDF Download!

The Basics for Sewing Pants and Skirts contains 470 pages and is fully diagrammed, step-by-step. It is designed to be used both with and without its companion book, The Basics for Drafting & Fitting Pants and Skirts.
The book includes diagrams for preparing any straight skirt and any basic pant pattern so they can be used with the cutting and sewing instructions in this book.
Price: $155.00
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